Team Jasmine on Breakfast Television Calgary

FTC Team Jasmine

Be sure to tune in tomorrow morning to Breakfast Television Calgary to see one of Alberta’s most admirable robotics teams!  Seven team members from FIRST® Tech Challenge Team Jasmine all of whom were refugees from Syria and Lebanon will be LIVE at 8:30AM EST.

The Judges Award was given to this group of ambitious Calgary teens at the most recent FTC Championship in Edmonton, Alberta, and the team placed 12th out of 33 overall!

Congratulations to Team Jasmine! 

Also check out the Calgary Herald’s coverage and CBC Radio’s interview of these inspiring students!

Update: If you missed this mornings show, you can still catch it by clicking here!

FIRST® Robotics Competition Game Release and Kick Off

On Saturday, January 6th, FIRST® Robotics Competition teams from all over Alberta met at SAIT to view the live broadcast of the 2018 Game Reveal and Kick Off!

2018 Game Release and Kick off, hosted at SAIT Calgary, AB

FIRST POWER UPSM finds FIRST® Robotics Competition teams trapped in an 8-bit video game. Each three-team alliance has three ways to help defeat the boss: Tipping the scale or the alliance’s switch in their favor to earn points, exchanging power cubes for power ups (force, boost, and levitate) to gain a temporary advantage during the match, and climbing the scale tower to face the boss. The alliance with the highest score at the end of the match, which includes autonomous and teleoperated periods, defeats the boss and wins the game.

Over the next six weeks, teams will design, build, program, and test their robots to meet this season’s engineering challenge. Once their robot is built, teams will participate in the Canadian Rockies Regional at the Genesis Centre in Calgary, to compete against teams from USA, Mexico, Turkey and Germany.

If you missed the live broadcast you can still watch the full details  below or check out FIRST® Robotics Competition YouTube Channel for the video playlist of the FIRST POWER UPSM  Challenge.

Good luck to all teams and POWER UP!

Auto-Nation Invasion

On December 2nd, 2017 FIRST Robotics Society hosted the first ever Auto-Nation Invasion practice competition at SAIT in Calgary, Alberta.  This event included all four levels of FIRST®.

FIRST® LEGO® League Jr. showcased their AQUA ADVENTURESM progress on their Team Model and Show Me Board.  Thank you to Ultra Master Water Surfers (Team 11227) and Ultra Mega Golden Dragons (Team 12225) of Calgary, Alberta for coming out and showing off their surfing simulator and dog park fountain.  Fantastic innovations on both projects!

FIRST® LEGO® League teams began their very first challenge of the HYDRO DYNAMICSSM season. LEGO® EV3 bots navigated throughout an exciting field of challenges such as pipe removals, man-hole covers, water treatment, collection and applications.  What an incredible turnout with 10 teams! Thank you to Aqua Narwhales, MicroWave, Prehistoric Programmers, Nose Creek Kodiaks, Bragg Creek Robotics, University of Calgary The Spray and Unicorns of the Sea, Okotoks Waterlords, Blue Tech & H20 for your participation!

(Photo by Lydia Sobschak/SAIT)

Four teams with FIRST® TECH Challenge came to test their robots in this head to head challenge. SWAT Bots, Data Wolves, Canmore OLS & Xplorobotics showed off their Relic Recovery skills by scoring glyphs into the cryptoboxes and completing rows,
column, and ciphers, transferring relics to the recovery zone, retrieving jewels, parking their robot on the balancing stones, and navigating to specific parts of the playing field!


The highlight of the day was the FIRST® Robotics Competitions BetaBots Challenge.  Teams competed against each other in this first ever Pollen Action event. Thank you to all teams who came out to compete, and Congratulations to Team 5630, the Nomads on winning first place this unique competition!

(Photo by Lydia Sobschak/SAIT)


(Photo by Lydia Sobschak/SAIT)

Quality Award for superb execution went to Team 6351, Rundle College whose machine was built with an exceptionally thought out and detailed plan in mind.



(Photo by Lydia Sobschak/SAIT)

Innovation in Control Award went to Rookie Team 7277, Mandela Robotics for solid programming, innovating while addressing the game’s challenge and building a reliable robot able to withstand the stress of competition.


(Photo by Lydia Sobschak/SAIT)

Creativity Award went to Team 1482, Grandin Ghosts. This team created this device/strategy rather than discovering it once the robot was built. This team was also the highest ball shooter of the day.



(Photo by Lydia Sobschak/SAIT)

Judges Award went to Team 4733, Scarlett Robotics whose perseverance shined when it came to troubleshooting their robot.  This circumstance showed that the team fully embraced the principles of FIRST®, thereby catching the judge’s attention.

Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy this incredible event!  A very special thank you to our sponsors DOW, SAIT & the Government of Alberta, whose generous contributions continue to help us to inspire young people to become the science and technology leaders of tomorrow!

A PlayPump Story Takes Students On A Water Journey

How often are children told to wash their hands or drink lots of water?  Probably pretty often.  Many have easy access to swimming pools, fountains,  fresh water lakes, some even have the ocean right in their backyard.  Unfortunately it’s a sad reality that accessible clean water is a luxury to many parts of the world.

So how do we teach young people to appreciate such a valuable resource when their accessibility to water is literally at the turn of a tap?

You let them discover the journey.

In FIRST® LEGO®  League Jr., students learn about a very special outdoor play apparatus in South Africa called a PlayPump.  In the communities where these were built, children are able to play on this practical merry-go-round that pumps water out of the ground and into a holding tank. From there,  a tap can be opened so the community can access this clean water supply when needed.  Students find out the benefits of this invention, and also the challenges that it faces.  Furthermore, they learn that this isn’t a one step process.

In conjunction with their Inspire Model (a LEGO Water Pump), students build the different stages that water travels in order to get to where it can be used.

Next on their Aqua Adventure, students will choose a water use that they’ll focus their team model around!


Are you interested in becoming a coach or mentor? It’s not too late start a FIRST LEGO League Jr. team. Email us at today!

Support the Alberta Women’s Science Network at the annual STEM Affair 2017

The future of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematical exploration is in your hands today!

Make a difference to diversity and inclusion in STEM by attending the AWSN’s annual STEM Affair.  By supporting this fundraiser you will be granting Alberta youth the opportunity to access any of the AWSN’s recruitment member programs to enhance their educational experience and get them excited about a career in STEM.

At the STEM Affair you will be entertained by scientific displays and be treated to the address of the Keynote Speaker, Dr. Gina Cherkowski, the Founder and CEO of STEM Learning Labs.

Be a part of this incredible night in support of diversity and inclusion in STEM.

Date & Time: October 14, 2017 at 6pm
Location: The Calgary Petroleum Club, 319 5 Ave SW, Calg