No previous training required
Pre-Event volunteers: Various roles could include volunteer recruitment and ensuring FIRST C&R and YPP complete, logistics planning, event materials preparations (printing, trophies, etc).
Pit manager: Sets up display tables and assists teams finding their allocated space. May also supervise additional activities during final judge deliberations.
Reception: This person is responsible for checking teams in at the start of the event, ensuring they have submitted a complete team roster, and providing the teams with their event day registration materials.
Emcee: The Emcee’s role is vital to a successful event. They are the primary individual responsible for setting the tone of the competition. Creating and sustaining an exciting and fun atmosphere throughout the event. As the most visible presence at the event, they embody the spirit of FIRST. Their role includes introducing and closing the day, introducing judges and teams, reporting the prizes.
Photographer: This person captures the Competition on film and/or video for archival and future publicity.
Minimal Training prior to event
Judges: Interview each team and judge their presentations according to the judging criteria and rubrics. Contributes to the awards deliberations.
This role is normally performed by an FTC/FRC team members and adults in teams of 3
Key Roles – Training required prior to event
Judge Advisor: The Judge Advisor coordinates the judging process. This could include the following tasks: attending pre-event coach’s meeting, pre-event judge training, facilitating group deliberation sessions, ensuring the award decisions are made that the award script is written, answering questions about training materials, schedules, and other general questions throughout the event.
MUST be 3 years removed from a team. MUST be 21 years of age or older.