Fort McMurray Fire

For those of you following the news, you may have heard of the wildfires in Northern Alberta that have devastated the district of Wood Buffalo including the Municipality of Fort McMurray. From what information is available to the public, we know that the residents of Fort McMurray were safely evacuated, however the damage to property is extensive and the fires continue to rage on.

In the FIRST family we are deeply saddened by events, and our thoughts an prayers are with the evacuees. In particular we want to offer our strength to members of our robotics family in Fort McMurray, Teams 4625 and 5597 of Father Patrick Mercredi High School and all the other robotics groups in the region. Know that we are thinking of you and your families and ready to offer our support where we can.


At the moment, the extent of damage in Fort McMurray is unknown and there is not yet a timeline for when affected families may be able to return, or whether they will be able to return. The evacuees may be displaced for weeks or months, and now more than ever they will need everyone’s support to get through this.

If you would like to help, the best way to do so is to make a donation to the Canadian Red Cross, who are mobilizing a massive relief effort. The Governments of Alberta and Canada will also be matching individual donations so your support will be magnified.

Please visit to make a donation.

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