FLL Edmonton Tournament 2020

Edmonton FLL and FLL Jr. Tournament Information

What if you could build a better world? Where would you begin?

More than ever, we must come together to innovate and solve problems. In FIRST, you are part of a thriving community brimming with inspiration, creativity, and hope for a stronger, more sustainable future—one that’s built better together. You have the power to help the cities, towns, and places you call home reach new heights. With the support of the FIRST community, this is your opportunity to lead our future forward—and up.

The Details

  • Date: February 1, 2020
  • Advanced registration for Northern Alberta teams:  Nov 1 – 15, 2019
  • Registration for all of Alberta:  Nov 15 – Dec 19, 2019
  • Cost: $150 (FLL),   $50 (Jr.FLL)
  • contact:  Vin Stocking (FLL)
  • contact:  paul@frcwest.com (FLL Jr.)

Grant Opportunity through Calgary Youth Foundation

Photo credit to youthcentral.com

Within Calgary Youth Foundation a committee of 8-10 youth aged 12-18 meet twice a month to organize and prepare for two granting cycles (Spring and Fall) in which they allocate funds to deserving projects around Calgary. The committee reviews all applicants, select the recipients and distribute the funds as a team. In addition, the committee organizes fundraising initiatives that contribute to Youth Central’s endowment fund at the Calgary Foundation. Applications for the youth members of the CYF Steering Committee are available in August/September and are selected in October of each year.

We recommend that Calgary FIRST teams who are struggling financially, consider this grant opportunity.

For more information, please contact the Program Coordinator at yoda@youthcentral.com or click here to apply online. More information can be found on their website youthcentral.com/programs/cyf

Special thank you to Sherry and Victoria Mah for letting us know about this awesome opportunity!

Mark Your Calendars! FIRST LEGO League and FIRST LEGO League Jr. Challenge Release August 1st!


Challenge and Resources will be available at Noon EST on August 1st.

Registration is now open for both leagues. Log in on your FIRST Inspires account to renew your team registration! Supplies will be sent out immediately after the Challenge Release. Then contact Spectrum Nasco to order your CITY SHAPER Challenge Set. FIRST LEGO League Jr. Inspire sets will be shipped once payment for registration is complete.

Are you in Western Canada and looking to start a team? Anyone can be a FIRST coach! Contact your local program director below for information on how to get started.

FIRST LEGO League Jr. (ages 6-10) Kim Werezak kim@frcwest.com

FIRST LEGO League (ages 9-14) Neva Maynard neva@frcwest.com

FIRST LEGO League Team Techie Po-Tater Bots were featured on CTV Calgary, showcasing their success competing in Calgary and at the Mountain State Invitational in West Virginia. Check out the clip here and on the live show here to hear about their INTO ORBIT experience last season! Then go over to their Facebook page and say hello!

If you are still looking for additional activities for your blossoming leaders in STEM, check out this great listing of summer programs offered by our sponsors and partner organizations

Edmonton FLL Tournament

Edmonton FLL and FLL Jr.
Tournament Information

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live on a spacecraft, the international space station, or the surface of the Moon or another planet? What if you were there for a year or more? Remember, outer space is a very unforgiving place: much of space is almost a complete vacuum, meaning there is no air, and none of the moons or other planets in our solar system have an atmosphere that is suitable for humans to breathe. 

In this season’s INTO ORBIT Robot Game, we’ll explore these questions and many more, and we’ll get to learn about the amazing engineering used to go – into orbit!!

This year’s Edmonton event will take place January 26, 2019.  Spaces are limited so sign up soon!

The Details

Field Element Shopping List from Frank Merrick

Hey FRC teams! Just in case you missed the email update from Franks blog, the shopping list for materials to build field elements is available!

Were you sitting around thinking “Boy, I wish I had another shopping list to deal with”? Well FIRST Robotics Competition is here to help! But we think you will actually like this one!

We heard from the community that you’d like to be able to purchase the raw materials necessary to build the team versions of the field elements before kickoff so you can be ready when the drawings get released. That made lots of sense. So, we’re publishing a list of the materials you will need to build wooden elements of the 2019 game now. Its link lives here, and you can access it directly here.

Please read the document carefully. You will see there are two versions of the list of materials, one for you to use if you think you will want to build a half field, one for you to use if you think you are more interested in a reduced build that should still cover the basics, but won’t be as representative of the competition field. Also, please carefully read the note in blue on the document. Even with the reduced list, we can’t guarantee individual teams may decide they don’t want to build everything they could with what they purchase. If money is especially tight, you may want to hold off until Kickoff and make your decisions then.

We’re sure these lists will be combed for clues. Good luck.*


Robotics Summer Camp at SAIT!

Are you in grade 7 to 12?  Do you have an interest in robotics?  Look no further!!!

Advance your STEM skills and practice engineering fundamentals in this two-week robotics camp. Work together in a team and share innovative ideas to build a robot to solve real-world problems and compete in head-to-head competitions. Each team will use FIRST Tech Challenge principles and resources to design, build and program a robot for their team. Take what you learned in your team and apply it to a project of your own to take home and continue exploring the field of robotics.

No previous robotics knowledge or experience needed.

Click here to register today!