Field Element Shopping List from Frank Merrick

Hey FRC teams! Just in case you missed the email update from Franks blog, the shopping list for materials to build field elements is available!

Were you sitting around thinking “Boy, I wish I had another shopping list to deal with”? Well FIRST Robotics Competition is here to help! But we think you will actually like this one!

We heard from the community that you’d like to be able to purchase the raw materials necessary to build the team versions of the field elements before kickoff so you can be ready when the drawings get released. That made lots of sense. So, we’re publishing a list of the materials you will need to build wooden elements of the 2019 game now. Its link lives here, and you can access it directly here.

Please read the document carefully. You will see there are two versions of the list of materials, one for you to use if you think you will want to build a half field, one for you to use if you think you are more interested in a reduced build that should still cover the basics, but won’t be as representative of the competition field. Also, please carefully read the note in blue on the document. Even with the reduced list, we can’t guarantee individual teams may decide they don’t want to build everything they could with what they purchase. If money is especially tight, you may want to hold off until Kickoff and make your decisions then.

We’re sure these lists will be combed for clues. Good luck.*


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