Suspension of 2020 Canadian Rockies Regional

Dear Students, Coaches and Volunteers,

On behalf of FIRST Robotics Society, we want to extend our most heartfelt sympathies that our FIRST Robotics Competition season must be cut short. For those that have not seen the announcement, FIRST headquarters has suspended all events until further notice.  Alberta Health Services has also requested that we cancel the Canadian Rockies Regional event on April 1-4th as it falls within criteria deemed too high risk for preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.  

We understand all the effort, time and commitment that are put forth into a season.  Our hearts are broken with our students, and our disappointments run deep with our coaches and volunteers.  That being said, we have no greater commitment than to protecting the health and safety of our local FIRST Community.

We would like to extend our most sincere gratitude for your support of our regional organization, and we thank you for your understanding.  We hope that with some patience and good fortune that this pandemic will end as quickly as it began. While we cannot plan for an FRC event until the COVID-19 virus is no longer considered a threat to those in attendance, we are planning to keep that option open.  Please consider keeping your robots intact so that we can gather community together again when the time is right. We are built better together!

With our warmest regards,

FIRST Robotics Society Planning Committee Members and Board of Directors

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