FLL Edmonton Wrap-up

**** IT’S A WRAP! ****

It’s hard to believe that a couple of weeks have gone by since our FLLjr Celebration and FLL Tournament Championship. It was very nice meeting you and seeing the enthusiasm shared throughout the day!

We have 2 galleries of memories for you that have captured the enthusiasm and excitement throughout the day!

Below you will find links to the 2 galleries. One gallery is for the general photos and the other gallery is for the award photos.

Floriana Bruni-Bossio
Edmonton FLL Registration Co-Ordinator

Check out the following link for pictures of the event and the awards ceremony:

FLL Edmonton Tournament 2020

Edmonton FLL and FLL Jr. Tournament Information

What if you could build a better world? Where would you begin?

More than ever, we must come together to innovate and solve problems. In FIRST, you are part of a thriving community brimming with inspiration, creativity, and hope for a stronger, more sustainable future—one that’s built better together. You have the power to help the cities, towns, and places you call home reach new heights. With the support of the FIRST community, this is your opportunity to lead our future forward—and up.

The Details

  • Date: February 1, 2020
  • Advanced registration for Northern Alberta teams:  Nov 1 – 15, 2019
  • Registration for all of Alberta:  Nov 15 – Dec 19, 2019
  • Cost: $150 (FLL),   $50 (Jr.FLL)
  • contact:  Vin Stocking (FLL)
  • contact:  paul@frcwest.com (FLL Jr.)

FRC Kickoff – January 4th, 2020

Kick-off is quickly approaching!  I hope your team is as excited as we are!

Patricia Whelan Performance Hall in the new Calgary Central Library. The address is 800 3rd Street SE. There is plenty of pay parking on the EAST side of the building, and it’s right along the LRT line beside City Hall.

Arrival Time:
I recommend arriving around 7:30am so you have time to park, grab a cup of coffee and make your way to the Performance Hall.  We’ve requested Luke’s (coffee shop) to open early for us, but I have not heard a confirmation of that yet.  I will let you know once I hear back. There is two Tim Hortons within a block as well. The live-stream of the game release will start promptly at 8am and the full broadcast is usually about 2 hours long. 

Kit of Parts:
Distribution will be on Floor 0 (street level) next to the performance hall.  Don’t worry we’ll direct you when you’re there. 

Pick up of KofP for unattending teams:
If your team is not attending our kickoff event, please reach out to Kim (kim@frcwest.com) about arranging Kit of Parts shipping or if you need to coordinate a surrogate pick up.  Thank you to coaches who have already done so!

On behalf of FIRST Robotics Society, I wish you all a very happy holiday season, and we look forward to seeing you on the 4th!

Kimberley Werezak
Assistant Regional Director, FIRST Robotics Society

FLL Edmonton Wrap-up

I would like to begin by thanking the 500 students in over 50 teams, their teachers, parents and guardians along with over 300 hundred volunteers who attended and helped host our AMAZING First Lego League tournament, INTO ORBIT.  To see students from ages 9-14 tackle real-world problems and challenges such as space, and then work together to develop a solution made it such a wonderful event.  Of course, we can’t talk Lego robotics without mentioning the countless hours that teams put in designing, building, and programming complex robots that were able to complete a series of table-top challenges. 

As both a parent and teacher, I was left breathless when I saw the sheer passion that our young people applied toward what they have learned in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math, and as a result made it something unique to them, their understanding and their resiliency.  I was able to witness first hand, students working in challenges that they had never seen before and create a strategy that allowed them to achieve great success.  Additionally, those students were able to further their presentation skills when sharing their designing, building and coding strategies with our local volunteers who brought their own gifts and talents to share.  I would like to thank our volunteer guest judges, who brought their expertise from engineering, information technology, programming and coding, education, metrology, accounting, and so much more.  

Finally, a HUGE thank you to our organizational committee whose endless support and dedication was something out of this world. You are a great group of people and I am blessed to be on this committee with you.  Without everyone’s support this event would not have been possible.

John Korassa
Edmonton Director for FIRST LEGO League

Check out the following link for pictures of the event and the awards ceremony:

Edmonton FLL Tournament

Edmonton FLL and FLL Jr.
Tournament Information

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live on a spacecraft, the international space station, or the surface of the Moon or another planet? What if you were there for a year or more? Remember, outer space is a very unforgiving place: much of space is almost a complete vacuum, meaning there is no air, and none of the moons or other planets in our solar system have an atmosphere that is suitable for humans to breathe. 

In this season’s INTO ORBIT Robot Game, we’ll explore these questions and many more, and we’ll get to learn about the amazing engineering used to go – into orbit!!

This year’s Edmonton event will take place January 26, 2019.  Spaces are limited so sign up soon!

The Details

FIRST Robotics Competition – 2019 Kickoff

When: JANUARY 5, 2019 @ 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Where: SAIT Aldred Centre Food Court
1301 16 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T2M 0L4

Who: Teams registered for this must have at least one adult mentor or coach that can sign for the Kit of Parts.  

What To Bring:

  1. A cart or dolly to transport your kit to your vehicle.
  2.  If picking up kits for other teams, copies of your surrogate forms.
  3.  Bring Photo ID if you are picking up a kit.


7:00 –7:45 AM Arrive and Check-in – SAIT Aldred Centre
7:45 – 8:00 AM Welcome and Announcements– Ice Breakers and Trivia
8:00– 8:30 AM Opening Ceremony
8:30 – 9:15 AM Broadcast: Live Webcast & Game Reveal
9:30 – 10:00 PM Kit Release
10:30 – 11:30 PM
Kit Inventory
11:30 – 12:00 PM Team clean up and departure

Kick Off Parking:

Parking is available at any public lot in the SAIT campus for $7/day.  Information on parking is found here:  https://www.sait.ca/about-sait/campus/transit-and-parking


  • Make sure you have enough room in your vehicle for your passengers and your kit.  Rookie teams can expect two large totes.  They are heavy, so it’s recommended you have some form of dolly or cart ( or students with strong backs )
  • Kits can only be signed for by an adult mentor or coach listed on the team roster or a designated surrogate.

Lunch is available from PIZZA 73 in the Aldred Centre


Craig Maynard   Craig@frcwest.com
Nicholas McCurry  Nick@frcwest.com
Dan Barrett  Daniel.barrett@sait.ca